Bee Network — Start Mining Crypto For Free (2022)

5 min readMar 14, 2022


Bee Network introduces an easy and simple way of mining cryptocurrency for free and through mobile applications. Cryptocurrencies are most popular amongst the tech-savvy crowd but have recently started gaining much broader appeal.

Have you ever wanted to have your own cryptocurrency? Well so did we, and that’s why we’re introducing Bee Network: an innovative way of mining cryptocurrency by leveraging a distributed peer-to-peer network. This article provides a better understanding of the bee network.

What is Bee Network?

The Bee Network provides a user-friendly and accessible way to easily mine cryptocurrency without having to invest in expensive mining equipment. It aims to make this revolutionary platform available to anyone who has a smartphone or tablet. Mining crypto using peer-to-peer networks is an innovative way of generating digital currency that offers many advantages over traditional methods.

The Bee Network makes it possible for users to start mining cryptocurrency from the comfort of their own homes . . . or even from the palm of their hands. You don’t need a supercomputer and the app is completely free. You’ve heard of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all those other major altcoins. This blockchain gaming app provides users a way to earn Bee, an altcoin you can mine. In particular, Bee Network participants can earn rewards in Bees through the Bee Network app. These are the Pioneer, Ambassador, and Verifiers.


As a Bee Network Pioneer, you are awarded the base rate of 1.6 Bee per hour (with an active session) automatically each time you log in to the app and click the bee button to start a new session. At this rate, you’ll earn 38.4 Bee per day.

Start a new 24-hour session by clicking the bee button again within 24 hours each time after your previous session has ended.

Please note that as the user base grows, this base rate will be reduced by 50% four times. When there are 100,000 users on the network — it will become 0.8 Bee per hour; when there are 1 million users on the network — it will become 0.4 Bee per hour; when there are 10 million users on the network — it will become 0.2 Bee per hour; and when there are 100 million users on the network — it will become 0.1 Bee per hour.

Once 1 billion users have joined, the supply of Bee to Pioneers stops completely, and they must find other ways to increase their total amount of Bee or sell what they already have on the market (at market rates).


As an Ambassador you will have a chance to refer new Pioneers to join your team by sharing a referral link that is uniquely yours. Once they sign up, you will be able to interact with your team members and accomplish their mission together.


The Bee Network removes the need for trust: every transaction is verified by multiple parties. However, societal norms will always require some level of human interaction and trust, especially when it comes to verifying someone’s identity.

As a Verifier, you have access to a special feature called “add to my security circle“. Use this feature to verify the identities of the people in your network or community (who are participating as Pioneer). The more players you add to your security circle, the more Bee tokens you will receive per week, and the bigger your influence on the network.

However, there may come a time when you no longer want a person in your security circle. If you suspect a user of fraudulent activity, you can click “remove from my security circle” and report that user to the Bee Network. If the user is found guilty of fraud, both you and the rest of the network are rewarded for discovering and reporting the fraudulent behavior.

Is Bee Network Cryptocurrency a scam?

Bee Network is a genuinely different digital currency to put cash into. Bee Network is so very different from Bitcoin. You just need to burn through very little battery at whatever point you open the Bee Network app and enact the mining. Fortunately, the whole process is done within 10 seconds.

No need to keep the application open when you initiate a new mining session. As referenced, the Bee Network application doesn’t run behind the scenes.

Bee Network Sign Up

To have a Bee Network account and be part of a team, follow these steps:

  • Download the Bee network app from the Google Play or Apple Store
  • You can also download from Here
  • After installing the Bee Network App — Register your account with your personal details
  • Choose country code and enter your mobile number
  • SMS: Enter the Verification code you received
  • Provide a name and username
Note: Use Original name as mentioned in your ID Cards or Passport.
  • Provide an invitation code — Use johnsonp8

Bind Social Account

After signing up for a Bee Network account, the next step is to bind your account with your phone number and social media accounts(Google and Facebook) after logging in as shown.

Binding your account with your social help to provide more comprehensive protection to your bee network.


The Bee Network hopes to bring more people into blockchain technology, which will, in turn, increase the value of the overall market and help digital currency become mainstream. The network will also make it easier for people to send cryptocurrency across borders, which has implications for everything from e-commerce to international politics. In more ways than one, BEE is a solid bet.

Originally published at




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